How to improve Pawn promotion probability In my economic view, there are 3 types of economic companies. Pawn: Domestic companies which work in own countries Minor and Major pieces: Big companies which earn moneys in foreign countries King: Central centers in own countries Then, how to improve Pawn promotion probability? Supporting by Minor and Major pieces to Pawn may be good method. For example, if pawns in USA want to earn in China markets, supporting by Tesla, Microsoft and other Minor and Major pieces will be good. Conversely, if pawns in China want to earn in USA markets, supporting by Minor and Major pieces will be good. I recalled Mercari company’s fault. Mercari has tried to enter in USA markets only by itself, but it was failed. Because it had no support from minor and major pieces in Japan, such as TOYOTA or SoftBank.
2017/5/6. Making labor by loans, its effective. But is this right?
Too many people work not for dream, but for loans. Is this right?
It's effective method, but I don't like it.
And additional bad things, high salary jobs are decreasing.
People makes loans for future salary, but there will not be high salary.
This is tragedy. In near future, a lot of people will be suffering by their loans.
In now, lower interest rates make the loans easy.
Individual loans breaks family easily.
I know that children becomes victims easily in poor family.
Money can't buy happiness, money only can protect from unhappiness.
Unhappiness family will be increasing...
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