2017/4/25. @tax: Internet new tax
(Japanese government's debts vs Tax heavens)
Without taxes, government can't be government. Tax heavens are evils for every government.
And if government wants to reduce their debts, raising taxes is easy way.
But I want to suggest another way, making new taxes, @tax.
@tax is for e-mailers tax.
If I use @ (at mark) by my e-mail accounts, I will pay 1 cent by each 100 mails.
Using @ to mail is not free lunch for internet world. And there is no free lunch.
And this tax will reduce a lot of junk e-mails. This junk e-mails makes internet more heavy.
(Money flowing faster makes economy bigger. But if losers are fixed in poor place, the economic game becomes boring and given-up people increase.
There is conflict between rich people and good politicians.
In the world wide economy, fast, quick and first company gets huge benefits.)
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