Shifting from income gain to capital gain is dangerous.
2017/5/1. Capital gain : Income gain = High risk : Low risk???
It is said that aiming to get capital gain is high risk, but is it true?
Fast investors aim to get income gain from investment, and by passing time, the investment becomes popular.
And Popular investment is believed easily.
People believe popular investment as low risk.
Popular investment often include high risk because of popular.
I mean that income gain investment becomes high risk by popular.
Popularity makes investment as high risk.
This is information asymmetry, popular investment include high risk.
Because the fast investors already took the income gain from it.
Popular is dangerous in investment world. New information is often already known by others. Popular and capital gain investment is dangerous.
In addition, I recommend income gain investment. Income gain is real benefit.
If people gets capital gain, people often invest it to another target again. And one day, he/she lose their illusion benefit. This is the way that stock sellers' method how they get fee.
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