2017/4/30. Fast answer vs Slow thinking: How to escape from wrong impression?
People categorize others to solid impression. Solid impression often mislead to wrong way. And people trust others on wrong way. So people often feel others as renegades by this reason. Solid impression, this causes wrong trust.
If we don't change own solid impression, we keep on believe others on wrong way.
Solid impression is made by what? I think this is made by not enough information, intelligence & experience. Intelligence is not enough for modifying solid impression.
(If one people like to collect others' information, the people try to do something.)
Enough information, intelligence & experience will lead us on right way.
And fast answer often stand on not enough information, intelligence or experience.
Collecting information, improving intelligence and getting experience, these things help us more rich mind people.
Recently, some politicians try to control people by using people's fast answer, but I don't like it. And education in Japan is making people to answer faster and faster. It makes people as fast answer is all. Fast answer is often wrong, and education accelerates people putting out fast answer. So people are relying on memorizing the answers in their rare brain memory, it's tragedy.
(I think quick is good, fast is bad.)
Escaping from wrong impression is escaping from memory in our brains.
This is not same as standing on information or experience.
Escaping from memory is on uniting information and experience by using intelligence.
My thoughts step is freezing information and experience firstly, and then jumping over it by intelligence. Freezing information and experience is fast answer, and jumping over it is slow thinking.
So if A.I.'s thoughts jump over people's historical information and experience, A.I. get real intelligence. Big data is information, super computer analysis it and get experience, and then real intelligence jumps over it.
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