2017/4/15. Can quantity overcome quality on economy?
Chinese GDP may be the champion in the world. I know that some news tell Chinese GDP is doubtful, but I feel such news is more doubtful. There are always some people who want to criticize all.
Highly controlled economy by Chinese government, I think this is Chinese economy, and this is one next capitalism economy.
And some cities in China become high culture cities, this is not awesome. Shenzhen is remarkable electric city.
The point is one, when the world admit China as No.1, not when Chinese GDP overcome to USA.
Some old people still believe Chinese industries are poor quality, but our life cannot stand without Chinese industries.
So the time to realize China as No.1 is near, or already.
We can't live without Chinese.
Furthermore, Chinese economy includes double faces, inside and outside economy.
Outside economy is standing on trading with foreign companies & countries.
Inside economy is opened for only Chinese land people.
And if foreigners aim to get into inside economy, the government will get angry.
Next strategy by the government is growing up inside economy, I think. And inside economy will be bigger and bigger.
Inside economy in China has a lot of quantity, and it will be higher quality in near future, and then original culture will be generated, or already.
Chinese economy will overcome to the reputation of poor quality in soon.
"Reputation is all", I heard this word, but reputation is late to real.
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