How to prevent USA’s the last move(Checkmate to start WW3) to China I thought about how to prevent USA’s the last move(Checkmate to start WW3) to China. First, what is the last move by USA to China? It is to recognize Taiwan’s independence to China. Then why will it to be checkmate to start WW3? Because I thought if Taiwan emergency by USA and China happens, Russia and North Korea will attack to South Korea and Japan. If Japan is attacked, Japan will start WW3. This is just my opinion, but not so far from truth. So what should we do for preventing USA’s the last move to China? I thought some options. Option A To defeat China economy before the last move. Option B To defeat USA economy before the last move. Option C To defeat both of USA and China before the last move. Option D To let both of USA and China win before the last move. These options are below matrix. USA/CHINA CHINA wins CHINA loses USA wins Option D Option A USA loses ...
2017/4/12. Emotionics
IQ is divided by 2 parts, talents and experiences.
So I think that emotion also can be divided by 2 parts, feeling of reaction and habits.
- Feeling of reaction
When something is happened, and then people reacts with it by some feelings.
- Feeling of habits
This is like characters, some usually feel sad, some usually feel angry and some usually feel happy.
- United feeling of 1 & 2
People unite feeling of reaction and habits. When people can unite them completely, people's feeling works well. And if people can't unite them well, people feels uncomfortable and stress.
If people can't unite their feelings, there is problem in feeling of reaction or habits.
And there is the depth of feeling, shallow and deep.
Shallow or deep feeling of reaction, shallow or deep feeling of habits.
Shallow feeling is simple, and deep feeling is various.
Shallow feeling is consisted by 2 or 4, comfortable or uncomfortable, happy, angry, sad, joy.
Deep feeling is more various.
Feeling of habits is made by logical parts of brain, feeling of reaction is made by other's mirror parts of brain. I mean other' mirror parts of brain is copying other people's feeling parts. Because the feeling is connected by this sympathy parts.
If sympathy parts and logical parts are divided completely, the people will have double characters.
Sympathy skill and logical skill... These 2 skills are not cut off for Emotion and IQ.
I think that sympathy skill has original logic, and logical skill is not only on test paper.
Sympathy skill is standing by balance, logical skill is standing by force at works.
Sympathy skill is used for balancing around the world. Logical skill is used for solution for problems. They are just like moon and sun.
#I want to use my sympathy skill for something good.
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