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Showing posts from 2016

Cashless world + Minus interest rates

2016/12/31. Cashless world + Minus interest rates Cashless shopping is credit/debit card payment. This cashless shopping shows our characters and personal information. There is some advantages of cashless shopping.  Safety, simple & security. Maybe governments prefer Cashless shopping more than cash shopping. Because if we use cash, there are some risks for governments. When hyper inflation happens, the cash is trash, and if governments want to end the hyper inflation, the new cash will be digital cash. And advanced countries have huge debts, and they cannot raise interest rates. There is the conflict! Huge debts vs Minus interest rates in advanced countries. How to solve the conflict? Orthodox 3 steps 1 Printing a lot of cash in Minus interest rates. 2 Making hyper inflation in real cash world. 3 Switching to cashless digital money world. Cash is trash (credit) or trust? This question may includes solution for that conflict. If many people believe cash is...

None feedback

2016/12/29. None feedback from others in Japanese company Feedback is not always visible or sound , especially the fact of feedback is hidden by various suits. And in Japanese company, I often see the scene that ignorance to the people who did careless mistakes. Others don't say anything about the careless mistakes in front of the person, but in background, others speak ill of the person. This is none feedback. None feedback from others is very bad feedback, but in Japanese company, it is often. Why none feedback happens? In my experience, there are some reasons. When the person who made mistakes is upper than others, others want the person to fall out. When the person is equal level to others, others want the person not to promote. When the person is lower level, others want to make the person the targets for inner circle. I rethink that none feedback in company is bad signal for organization... None feedback happens when the company is bad statements!!!

Cheaper work

2016/12/29. Cheaper works: Hard competition makes expensive work cheaper. In Japan, there are some people who thinks there are a lot of workers, and they are exchangeable easily. This thought can't stand on human populations decreasing society. And in this society, the flow that provides products cheaper and cheaper cannot keep. Now, Japanese society is standing on that thought, and Japanese system hardly stands. This is by the patience of Japanese. When the breaking point of Japanese system comes, the counter of patience will keeps long time. And I think that communism never comes in Japan. Because Karl Marx doesn't think about human populations decreasing...

Some keywords from music

These days, I noticed some keywords from music... Team, Crew, Ride, Star ships... I think that some dreamers insert these words to music... It's not bad... And when I found the connection between Siri & Krewella, I couldn't read what Siri said on display... This is tragedy... I only read some message on display that "I think and think ...."

My vision for world economy in future

2016/11/29. My vision for world economy in future I think that money which is provided by Japan and EU central banks, will goes to USA. And USA gets the benefits from it. USA can invest better than Japan and EU banks... USA can create new business chances and rules. USA business company borrows money by lower interest rates from foreign countries, and invests for higher interest rates. USA will gets benefits by foreign money. And I think big & global company will win from USA's better economy. EU company has a little advantage for this business chance, and Japan has better advantages than EU, I think... Because it seems that USA looks on EU big company as enemy. For example VW and German banks... How long does USA better economy last? From 4-10 years or so, I think. Because Japan and EU central banks have to keep the interest rates as very low, especially Japan. Because of huge debts of each governments. So low interest rates makes one top country as very rich, an...

What I thought about A.I.

2016/11/23. What I thought about A.I. A.I. will be winning to the sports of intelligence. Sports of intelligence are just like Chess, Shogi, and Card games... And I think that A.I. will be tools for next human life, just like car airplanes. Car helps human life more convenience, and runs faster than human running. By car and airplanes, human can go somewhere without a lot of effort. So next human life will be no need to have thinking. With less effort for thinking is next human life. People uses car instead of running, and people will uses computer and A.I. instead of thinking. I think that next human doesn't use their own intelligence as much as now. And less thinking power with A.I. will real problems for next human life. People becomes thinking and remembering less and less, this is problem... #I am afraid that I will lose thinking and remembering power...

Higher performance infrastructures

2016/11/12. Higher performance infrastructures=Making real estate value upper If there is higher performance infrastructures, the real estate value is upper.  And industry costs, such like electric power cost, are lower. Higher performance infrastructures = •Well flat roadway •Airport with good service •Bridge: Safety •Railway: Lower cost of transportation •Electric power: Not all free because of publicity And the aim of making the higher performance infrastructures is not only making real estate values upper, but the aim of increasing employment. And furthermore, using PFI + Financial technology,  this will helps construction with less government money!

New Medical Care

2016/11/12. New Medical Care What is need for development of new medicines? Personal information for safety data. And the global safety data for new medicines have to spread over the world. I think that much money & time for safety data is pushing up the medicines cost... Which one we choose? Breaking total medical care or sharing safety data for development. So we in developed countries have to share safety data for developing medicines... I mean that making & sharing safety data bases to the company is important for lower medicines costs. There is bad cycle of new medicines. Selling new medicines-Happening deaths-Too huge paying-Fear for next paying-Costing too much money for safety-Selling new medicines by higher prices!!! Lower costing for safety is important!!!

Value up the USA economy, please!!!

2016/11/11. Value up the USA economy, please!!! Mr.Trump will be next USA president!!! Please make the USA economy value up! I think it just like real estate investment. And the real value of economy is human beings. Human beings are standing on the ground, real estate. So President Trump will be good economic politician!!!

VW: From crisis to chance by excellent view

2016/11/5. VW: From crisis to chance by excellent view Shifting to electric cars makes VW to be bigger & trustable company! 3 factors to be advantages •No Air pollution : Environmental free •Lower energy cost than gasoline: not yet •Lower prices of cars: This needs time. Renault groups may use Mitsubishi car company as electric car company for test models...

Skills Portfolio for working

2016/10/31. Skills Portfolio for working Portfolio: This is set of well balanced asset. Investors word... I think that the concept of portfolio can be applied for skills for working. Well balanced skills makes working richer... Maybe there are more than 3 kinds of skills portfolio for working. (•To person skill •To things skill •Language skill •Mathematics skill) And I heard that there is 2 important concepts of portfolio; Put all in it or Avoid risk by dispersion. Concentration or dispersion. To get success, concentration is important. To get safety, dispersion is important. Thinking about skills portfolio, it's interesting.

Male & Mail: 2 Enemies for Hillary

2016/10/31. Male & Mail: 2 Enemies for Hillary There are 2 enemies for Hillary, Male; Trump & Mail; E-mail trouble... And this is last trouble for her. And e-mail trouble is more important than Male. I think that these troubles are just like staging for her success life! Spice is little hot, but it's needed to life! Dice of destiny is given to the ground...


2016/10/31. If she is male!!! Because of female is wrong! (Just my opinion) This is next USA president story, why people dislike her? Because of female is wrong reason... I don't like this reason. Because of male/female is wrong... And it seems that some media reports the next USA president, Trump or she... Trump is name, she is pronoun word. Behind this election, there is one conflict. Male vs Female... This is problem... By common sense, obviously Hillary Clinton is suitable for next President... IF SHE IS MALE!!!

Environment vs Economic growth

2016/10/28. Environment vs Economic growth: Fix wrong thing to right! In the long history, economic growth have been breaking the earth environment... This is appeared to the numbers of other various animals. And I have question... Is there possibility of Economic growths without breaking environment? I think there is possibility. Industry companies usually thinks bigger, wider, faster... But if the rules of world is changed, there is possibility of success...

Resources from outside or inside?

2016/10/23. Resources from outside or inside? If we want resources in business, we can get them from outside or inside. And next new important resources in business will be freelancers outside company. Many freelancers have each power, skill and connections. If we use them well, there are very good impact! Win-win, or no deal with keeping contact!!! This relationship will be next attitude to freelancers!!! The problem is that each freelancers have different skills, so there will be variations of quality. And one simple solution will be that increasing the numbers of connection to freelancers... And one important point is that freelancers will be resources and customers.

Space between saying & acting

2016/10/19 Space between saying & acting There are a lot of interest things between saying & acting. They are something evidence of human beings... I think that we don't need to do effort for filling space, and we have to admit that there is space. I mean that nobody is perfect. If saying is smaller than acting, the person is credible. If saying is bigger than acting, the person is incredible. I think this is wrong thought. There is no need to be perfect... Because it's not interesting!!!

Work vs Gamble: No pain,no gain!

2016/10/18. Work vs Gamble: No pain,no gain! Working is more important than gamble. And to win the gamble, there is 3 ways. Taking on good flow, being bookmakers and doing no gamble. No gamble> Being bookmakers> Takin on good flow =Strategy>Tactics>Skill And No gamble=Working So Working without gamble is good strategy... I sometimes forget this meanings...

Save the world?

2016/10/16. Save the world? Save the world? What this world means? There is no Common meaning, there is just whole impression to "the World" for each person. I think the world means problem for all people. In fact, energy and environmental problems are the world! Save the energy and environmental problems for earth! These problems will be troubles or jewels for every person who want to start up the company!!! Technology about energy and environmental problems will be great jewels. And these jewels prolong the limit of earth!

Blended family

2017/10/16.  Blended family The number of Blended family will increase. We have to accept the blended family that they have own new style. I feel that blended family is problem, but I know my feeling is wrong. Blended family is new styles, not new problems!!! And we have to change our traditional culture for new styles!

The aim of success stories

2016/10/15. The aim of success stories Q.Who tells the success stories? It will be hints of finding the aim of success stories. A. By, especially near venture capital. (Just my opinion) Success stories are only products for moving people. These are alike to funny movies and novels. Too much faith on success stories will suffer people. And some top people want us not to realize the success stories are dreams. Nobody is perfect.  And every body needs dream. We have to walk on the ground, especially with capital game.

Flat world: Where are your rivals? Next to you?

2016/10/15. Flat world: Where are your rivals? Next to you? The world becomes to be flat, and average life style spreads soon. Average life style means that the lifestyle of middle class family in developed countries. So people begin to compare with people next to him/her. If people compare himself/herself with neighborhood, he/she is happy, but running on the chicken race. Rivals next to you is not real factors. Comparing comes from lack of satisfaction.  Lack of satisfaction comes from something lost. Maybe we should find that something lost, should not compare with neighbors.

Method:Hiding & Finding aims

2016/10/13. Method:Hiding & Finding aims Hiding aims is important method for victory. Finding aims is more important for weaker people. In fact, how to hide aims for weak people is core method. Hide aims: Strong people Find aims: Weak people And there is technique of finding aims. Telling another surface reason, telling lies, telling nothing. These 3 tellings are usually orthodox methods. If we find one of 3 tellings, there are some aims that others don't want us to know.

Usually Mistakes : Doing great effort

2016/10/13. Usually Mistakes : Doing great effort If we feel that we do great efforts to something, it may be mistake. Feeling great effort means feeling great stress & pressure to your body. And if we are in such situations, it is no use for trying to be relaxed. Because great stress & pressure is not the real reason. Stress & pressure is results. The real problem is in process of feeling stress & pressure. Great effort makes them!

Fear of losing vs Joy of getting

2016/10/13. Fear of losing vs Joy of getting There is "vs" between fear of losing and joy of getting. We feel fear bigger than joy easily. So if we want to start something, imaging the fear of losing is right way. These days, there are a lot of success stories, but more effective way to start working is waking up fear of losing. Imaging about losing something is effective way to wake up!


2016/10/11.  Strategy>Tactics>Techniques Just like pyramid, Strategy is more important than tactics, techniques. And just like pyramid, strategy is standing on tactics. Tactics is standing on techniques. And just like law of Heinrich, 1 strategy needs 29 tactics and 300 techniques. So we should think not only 1 strategy, but also 29 tactics and 300 techniques. 0 Target: Restart from low growth of GDP 1 Strategy: Using other country's money (OCM) for own public service 29 Tactics: Analysis the situations; /Who is the rivals?/How to get OCM?/How to use OCM?/Whose money from?/How to show the merit of OCM?/When is most suitable seasons to get OCM?/ /What public service?/How to protect the important information?/How to hinder the rivals/... 300 Techniques: Many skills...

Restart from low growth GDP

2016/10/11 Restart from low growth GDP: Increasing massive works by Other Country Money(OCM);Using OCM for public service How to use OCM for public service is important for future developments. This tactics is simple. And make large numbers of works by OCM, it will reduce taxes. The government which is suffering for huge debts, have to start this tactics soon. #I am okay!!!

Good medical care kills alternations of generation?!

2016/10/10. Good medical care kills alternations of generation?! In Japan, alternations of generation in politics is not so fast because of traditional culture and system. I don't think so. Politicians don't make a rule about own retirement age. And good medical care prolong their life. So alternation of generation will be slow. Alternation of generation gets slower and slower by better medical care.

From silent majority to flammable mouth

2016/10/10. From silent majority to flammable mouth The information technology makes silent majority to flammable mouth. I think silent majority is bad for democracy, so flammable mouth is better than it. Meaning of Flammable mouth: 1.mouses which are easy to get angry. 2.mouth which speaks louder. 3.mouses which are used for clicking in front of PC.

One idea:New tax for cyber world ; @ tax

2016/10/9. One idea:New tax for cyber world ; @ tax I heard that a lot of e-mails makes heavy traffic to the internet access. So how about installing new tax for using @ character? This new tax is for @ character on e-mail address, and e-mail senders have to pay when using @ for address. And the money @ tax is used for internet spreading...

One idea:Cleansing the revenge porno

2016/10/9. Making a wrong thing right! Making a wrong thing right... Just one idea, I thought... Stop revenge porno by using A.I. as consultation: This is consulting by A.I. for the persons who are suffering from revenge porno. Why A.I.? Because the persons who are suffering from revenge porno can't trust others. In fact, they can't trust others, especially another sex. So A.I. is suitable for consultations in such themes. And if victims become to be tough enough to call a help, connect the victims and making strong networks. 3 Steps : Cleansing the revenge porno 1. Consulting by A.I. 2. Making victims networks 3. Cleansing the revenge porno influencers

Fatal weakness in Internet World

2016/10/9 Fatal weakness in Internet World Internet world has fewer rules than real world. So doing right without breaking rules is easier than real world. And Internet world has one weak point. Because of flat information world, if there is the country who doesn't care about internet world, the country will be escape route for smart people. For example, if Japan government doesn't care about hacking, many smart hackers uses Japan servers as escape route. More specifically, if some foreign bad guys put the revenge porno files on Japan servers, does Japanese laws can stop it? In fact, internet world has fatal weakness. Undeveloped laws in somewhere countries.

"Breaking rules" vs "Doing right"

2016/10/9. "Breaking rules" vs "Doing right" One simple easy method to success is "breaking rules", especially laws. There is risk, but easy way to get money. "Doing right" is another way to success. There are various "Doing right", and it seems that "Breaking rules" is against to "Doing right". Breaking rules vs Doing right... How to change from vs to & is very important. Or important focusing point is it... Breaking rules without doing right, this is crimes. Doing right without breaking rules. This is good. Doing right without breaking rules. Another problem is rules. What are rules? Laws? Habits? Culture customs? I will think about this question.

Something special mind

2016/10/9. Something special mind Something special mind is important for success. Or rather, success is in his/her hands, when he/she has something special mind. Success means not money rich. Success means having happy mind. And the definition of success is various for each person. Common impressions for success is just like new money riches. But are they success people? If we want to be new money riches, there is simple, easy one method. Breaking the law. It's easy, and some new riches do it. But we don't want to do it. And before being new riches, we should re-think about meaning of success.

Interest rates and Savings rates

2016/10/2 Interest rates and Savings rates In the developed economies, the relationship between interest rates and savings rates is correlation. Because interest rates is correlation with growth power. And savings rates is correlation with earning power. Earning power is alike to share power. Growth power and share power is correlation by BCG's Share-Growth Matrix. High interests rate & high savings rate: Star Low interest rates & low savings rate: Underdog High interest rate & low savings rate: Question mark Low interest rate & high savings rate: Cash cow China is star country, now. Japan is underdog country. USA is Question mark or cash cow. But I hope USA can be star, again.

3 Steps for getting out from mind prison

2016/10/1. 3 Steps for getting out from mind prison If we find our mind prison, we can do this 3 steps. 3 steps 1. Ask to self "What makes me believing?" 2. Is it really? 3. If I don't believe so, what kind of problem happens? This 3 steps is made by Mandy Evans. And how to find mind prison is important mission. It's invisible...

Why the young person who usually says "It's OK", doesn't grow up?

2016/10/1. Why the young person who usually says "It's OK", doesn't grow up? Using the words  "It's OK" for denying correct feedback, makes the person doesn't growing up. In other words, the situation is not good, but the person uses "It's OK" for denying the others' feedback. Receiving correct feedback & Doing correct feedback is important for studying. Without correct feedback, Rocket can't fly by just straight. And receiving correct feedback makes you being able to do correct feedback to others. #This article is summary of Nakahara' lab blog.

Commodity work vs Premium work

2016/10/1. Commodity work vs Premium work: What by and How to escape from commodity? Commodity work: Easy to replace by others Premium work: Difficult to replace by others What do we have to escape from commodity work by? Commodity work is connected to poor. If we keep on work as commodity, all we can do is being poor. Commodity work makes us poor easier than past. How to escape it? There are various premium works. Something special is Keywords. And how to escape commodity work is to have the something special mind. Something Special mind is the seed to make us something special skill. And this skill helps us to escape from commodity work. Mind is first seed, and then skill will be growing up, and then being able to escape from poor.

Next One Premium: Colors on lip

2016/10/1 Next One Premium: Colors on lip Next one premium will be just like colors on lip. I mean that lip without color is no matter, but if color is there, it will attract male. Attracting other sex with one premium, this is important. Some companies aim to sell the products to only male/female. Next one premium will be not only to targets, but with added value that attracting other sex. Of course, there are that premium in fashion from old past. The phenomenon will be spreading to other fields.

7 features of the person who doesn’t grow up even if others gives good feedback

7 features of the person who doesn’t grow up even if others gives good feedback It is very important that receiving right feedback by others for growing up. This is just like Rocket. There is no rocket which fly as straight without feedback. Person’s growing is just like rocket. And there are 7 features of the person who doesn’t grow up even if others gives good feedback. 1 Too much positive thinking without specific reason 2 Usually saying “It’s OK.” 3 Usually saying “ You are right, BUT I think...” 4 Positive thinking about feedback 5 Denying feedback 6 Misunderstanding the essence of feedback 7 Acting like listening feedback # This article is summary of below article.

The ways to run away from poor

2016/9/28  The ways to run away from poor 1. Learning English 2. Being able to use fundamental math +-×÷ 3. Caring about own health These 3 things are not enough rules, but necessary. English is very common language in the near future. Using fundamental math helps you when you use/earn money. Caring about your health is important. Because medical care is expensive in orthodox country.

You can [Not should or must] get angry with others who discriminate you...

2016/9/28. You can [Not should or must] get angry with others who discriminate you... You can get angry with others who discriminate you... This is one simple rule. You can get angry with others, otherwise you will get angry with yourself. I could not get angry with bully when I was poor. But I don't think that I should get angry with them. It's only past. There are a lot of discrimination in the world. Because of poor, blood, family name, skin color, male/female... These reason are labels...  In fact, discrimination is human nature. So we, who are discriminated, can choose the reaction including fighting to discrimination. Of course you can forgive discrimination. And if you do so, another people, like you, will suffer in other place by same kind of people.   You can choose reactions to discriminations... 

Research method: Comparing, comparing and comparing

2016/9/28 Research method: Comparing, comparing and comparing Without comparing, we can't research things. Or not only things, but person. (My opinion) When people meet to the others, people compares with roll models, just like blank models in scientific experiments. And if people meet to the very unknown others, what he/she do is comparing to own self, and accept or deny. In addition, when people deny others, there are the impressions that people can't accept. When people deny you at first meeting, it's not your fault. It's just only accident.

Feeling, thinking & imaging: How to unite them for Dream?

2016/9/28 Feeling, thinking & imaging: How to unite them for Dream? What is feeling, thinking & imaging? Feeling: The emotion to the things Thinking: The words in thought Imaging: The whole impression to the things In the success manual books, it has written about uniting feeling, thinking & imaging for dream is important. And how to change them? I make whole impression after feeling, and then I make thinking. 3 Step to make them (in my case) 1. Feeling about things 2. Making whole impressions 3. Thinking by replacing to the words To unite them, it's not enough to change thinking, and it needs changing the whole impressions. Focusing on whole impressions, especially good impression, is best way to unite 3 things. For example, I don't like noisy people. But there are reasons that being noisy. So if I find the reasons, I can change the whole impressions to noisy people. Focusing on whole impressions, this is important. #Nobody's perfect. ...

Homepages for Big company: Is IT important? TOYOTA vs VW

2016/9/27 Homepages for Big company: Is IT important? TOYOTA vs VW I visited TOYOTA & VW home pages. Which site map is easy to understand? I feel that TOYOTA. Because of just size of characters. Not so small, but not so large. VW's is a little difficult to read.

Twitter: Who buy this news media?

2016/9/27 Twitter: Who buy this news media? News media becomes diversity from TV & newspaper. On the smartphone, there are some Applications instead of TV & newspaper. The ways to one news are variety, but the starting point to news is limited, smartphone & PC. On the PC, Browser is starting point. And on the smartphone, Applications may be starting point. Twitter is mainly Applications for the media on smartphone. So I think that the company who has strength to the Browser, is suitable for Twitter. Because the company can assist Twitter without inside competition. Google or Microsoft or Firefox... Firefox may not have enough money...

High Efficiency without effect: Poor strategy with great tactics

2016/9/27 High Efficiency without effect: Poor strategy with great tactics Strategy: Aiming to effect Tactics: Improving efficiency High efficiency without effect is this: Poor strategy with great tactics. There are 4 patterns about strategy and tactics in economy. 1. Great strategy with great tactics. Excellent company. 2. Great strategy with poor tactics. Excellent company in bad terms. 3. Poor strategy with great tactics. Commodity company in good terms. 4. Poor strategy with poor tactics. Commodity company. I think that the difference between excellent company and commodity company is the attitude to the effects or money. Excellent company aims to get effects and gets money as the result. Commodity company chases money. It is hard to identify excellent company in bad terms and commodity company in good terms from outside. If I meet to the commodity company in good terms, in fact the high efficiency without effect, I can learn the great tactics from that company....

Some hackers have been linked to my blog from hacked pages!

Some hackers have been linked to my blog from pages where they hacked... This is troublesome. I don't know this is only my misunderstanding or not. In the red circle URL, I jump into strange pages!

From my failures in business

2016/9/26 My failures in business There are a lot of my failures in business. But I found that they are from lack of manners. If I want to be an artist, there is no need to learn manners, but I am employer in business. So I have to learn manners in Japan. Japan manners principle The mix of Chinese culture and Europe culture are standard in Japan. Pride, procedure and format. The 3 principles in Japan are these. Almost Japanese businessmen focus on 3 principles. 1. Pride. If they do the business, do they can keep their pride? 2. Procedure. Is procedure correct? 3. Format. Are there old formats in past? Not American style nor Global style, Japanese style is mixed with Chinese and EU style. I think it is old, and not fast, and hard to change from inside...

Easy but not correct method: Labeling specific word to person

2016/9/26 Easy but not correct method: Labeling specific word to person Labeling to person is easy method to judge the person. For example, he is the person  suchlike woman, is just one example. In childhood, many children like to label another nickname to friends. Is this just mirror of the society? Because children are mirrors of adults. And this easy method misleads from correct information. So what should I behave? My action is below analogy 3 steps. 1. Feel the first impressions before hearing person name. 2. After hearing name, modifying the figure of his/her character by slowly. 3. Fixing his/her character solidly.     This method is orthodox way. And what should I behave in digital world? This is difficult question. To connect analog world and digital world, this question lies suchlike great wall. One answer is facebooking. But there are a lot of fakes on Facebook now. There are a lot of actors/actresses on Facebook or SNS. Without labelin...

Lack of courtesy & manners

2016/9/26 Lack of courtesy & manners I found that my failures are because of lack of courtesy and manners. Every community, company and everyone has own manners, and if I want to join them, there is need to know manners. However I have good information for them, the lack of manners brakes the relationship between I and them.  Lack of manners... This is important problem for me.

Feedback vs Positive words

2016/9/25 Feedback vs Positive words The book "Managing oneself" by Peter F.Drucker told that feedback is the only way to managing ourselves. These days, it is said that positive words and positive thinking are important for success. There is conflict between feedback and positive thinking. Because positive thinking deny the feedback by positive words. Without right feedback, positive thinking is no use for success. # I sometimes tell the words "It's OK!" It's wrong. ##I am NOT OK.

Finance method to make miracles: Inflation, Bubble, Lower Yen¥.

2016/9/22 Finance method to make miracles: Inflation, Bubble, Lower Yen¥. What is crazy? Do same method many times with expecting different results. Do Finance method by Japan bank with various expectation. Other-hand, USA economy is expanding. Next USA president can take good benefits. Combination with expansion of employment and demand will happen. Combination with higher savings rates and interest rates makes USA richer.

The meat of Whales and Dolphins: Cruel killings or not?

2016/9/22 The meat of Whales and Dolphins: Cruel killings or not? Preamble: I don't eat Whales or Dolphins meat. My opinion: A lot of Japanese doesn't eat Whales or Dolphins' meat in ordinary life. And why Japanese kill Whales and Dolphins. Not only culturally habits, but there is the reason that Whales and Dolphins eat many fishes. And those fishes are important meats for Japanese food. If the number of Whales and Dolphins are larger, the number of other fishes are smaller, including Tuna what Japanese people loves eating. Maybe Japanese doesn't stop kill Whales and Dolphins. Cruel killings or not? This question includes weapons. If Japan develops the tool that can kill Whales and Dolphins without suffering, is it weapon? It is weapons. And Japan can't develop weapons. So maybe cruel killing is one way.

Education makes Fast-Food staffs or innovators?: Results or processes?

2016/9/22 Education makes Fast-Food staffs or innovators?: Results or processes? If education focuses on only results, there are more Fast-Food staffs. I mean Fast-Food staffs include high scorers on the mark sheet tests. That education is easy to control, but hard to make innovate. In addition, if royalties gets lower, they will make do fake and cheat easier. Focusing on process is very difficult to control. But it makes various innovations. In long term views, it will be good for each society. Unexpected results is good or bad? This question is depends on own smartness or solidness. And one fact is there; The future is unknown! So focusing on result makes people seeing only at now. "Now is all" needs Fast-Food staffs. Otherwise focusing on processes makes people history and future. This is real intelligent, I think. Real intelligence focuses on processes, just like Jewish think. # I read about Jewish thought by only books.

Foreign reserves of Japanese government: Foreign reserves = Short terms debts of Japan economy

2016/9/22 Foreign reserves of Japanese government: Foreign reserves = Short terms debts of Japan economy  Japanese foreign reserves August 2016 $1256 billion as Japanese foreign reserves  1. Foreign currency.            $1193 billion  2. IMF reserve position.     $12 billion  3. SDR.                                $17 billion  4. Gold.                               $32 billion  5. Others.                            $0.5 billion  Japan Government has $1256 billion as foreign reserves. And Japanese economy balance sheets are below. Balance sheet of Japanese economy  htt...

Tokyo real estate 3: Beginning of bubble or ending of bubble?

2016/9/21  Tokyo real estate 3: Beginning of bubble or ending of bubble? On the opinion that Tokyo real estate is in bubble, is the bubble beginning or ending? I think it is ending, but if Japan bank keeps unorthodox finance policy, the bubble will be little bigger. In this real estate bubble, smaller damage will come to each persons. And how ending begins? There are various ways. 1 Higher consumer tax 2 Stop minus Japan banking rates 3 Small recession of China or USA And so on. Furthermore, it seems that Japan government can control Tokyo bubble. Or rather they want to make bubble again. At last bubble, companies and people who called intelligent were damaged, in this time who will be damaged? And Who pays the result of unorthodox finance? #Germane bank will keep minus banking rates until Japan bank ends. I feel that Japan is sealed by finance.

Tokyo real estate 2: Reasonable prices for rich people and expensive for ordinary people

2016/9/20 Tokyo real estate 2: Reasonable prices for rich people and expensive for ordinary people Some foreign rich people may push up prices of Tokyo real estates. This is the repeated history! Old days, Japan bought USA real estate by high prices and cut their loss at last. Chinese may be buying Tokyo real estates as old Japanese bought USA real estates. So there are relationship between Tokyo real estates and Chinese money & economy. And low banking rates makes people being able to buy high price real estate. Because people can borrow money easier. So there are relationship between Tokyo real estates and banking rates. And are there relationship between Chinese money & economy and Japan banking rates? Maybe yes.

Tokyo real estate:Bubble or reasonable prices?

2016/9/20 Tokyo real estate:Bubble or reasonable prices? Tokyo real estate may be bubble, but I don't have conviction. Because the finance interest rates are very low and the rates will continue or not, is problem. Japan government doesn't want higher interest rates because of their debts. And customers of real estate doesn't want, either. Rich old people and big companies want to higher interest rates. This conflicting may continue some terms. There is one way to reduce government debts, by getting higher taxes. But Japan government doesn't do it. This is mystery. Rich old people are their supporters.

Flow of Car Company movement to the future

It seems that there are some flow of car company movement. 1. EU Car companies want Chinese buying power, instead of USA. 2. USA wants to stop the relationship between EU and China. 3. Japan Car companies may not see those flow. 4. More Electric car will be main car in China because of Air pollution. 5. Electric car with A.I. will be main expensive car. 6. Gasoline car will be disappeared slowly. 7. Replacement to electric car is depending on each markets’ customers and each governments’ action.  

Siri and Legend of Zelda: Zoltaxian

2016/9/17 Siri and Legend of Zelda: Zoltaxian Zoltaxian called dangerous word for Siri. But I see that word is standing by 4 words. An AI at LOZ. LOZ means Legend of Zelda. I think Siri has no connection with Freemason or other secret companies. And maybe, in developing of AI, developers uses Game, suchlike Zelda!

TPP: Trump's Joker or Joking?

2016/9/17 TPP: Trump's Joker or Joking? I don't know Mr.Trump or Mrs.Clinton, which will be President. TPP is standing on the logic of block economy. And this logic is alike to Mr.Trump's Protectionism. There is difference about areas, he thinks about USA only, TPP is standing on wider areas. If he changes his mind about protectionism, TPP will be his Joker card!

Next Style with Smartphones

2016/9/13 Quick Pay is more than Credit Pay Credit Payments have risks with users, companies and banks. Quick Payments have smaller risks than Credit. Targeting on Quick Payments is good tactics. Strategy for Smartphones companies will be making people spending to more time with smartphones. So smartphones instead of wallet is good tactics. And new lifestyle for people will be that walking only with Smartphone. Walkers only with smartphones will be one new style. Free from other baggage is next new style. I think that next role of Smartphones is ID cards, such like car license cards.

Japan's tactics for VS China

2016/9/11 Japan's tactics for VS China Preparing for VS China, what does Japan do? 3 steps 1.Making friendly relationship with Russia. This is for avoiding to be attacked from North and South. 2.Making friendly relationship with Korea. This is for avoiding to be attacked from West. 3.Changing the constitution and ready for War. If this war happens, USA may not fight with Japan, just only assist to Japan. This tactics has weak point. It is that China also knows this tactics. So Japan will lose.

Pendulum of Japanese mind

2016/9/10 Pendulum of Japanese mind Weaknesses of Japanese The blank space in center axis of pendulum makes motions quicker and faster. These quickness and fastness makes changing Japanese attitude to foreign world very hard. And this attitude seems to be double characters. What makes blank space? In other countries, they fill in the blank space by faith, such like god. Japanese could live by themselves in old area, before A.D.1800. I think that Japanese doesn't want foreign countries, in fact, the foreign countries are enemies for Japanese in deepest mind. For Japanese, Japan doesn't want to neighbor countries. Japanese don't be involved by foreign world in true feelings. For world, it's natural for living with foreign countries, except for Japan. This is one example. So what makes blank space?  The difference between world standards and Japan own standards. Japanese weak and strong points When pendulum moves to right, Japanese feel weaker about themsel...

Nintendo: Release from Own Game Machine

2016/9/9 Nintendo: Release from Own Game Machine Nintendo is just like Phoenix! And it seems that Nintendo changed their tactics. In old days, they got benefits only by own game machine, such like Super family computer. In these days, they are getting benefits by Pokemon, Super Mario. These are own their contents. These contents makes customers feeling familiarity, funny and fan. And Pokemon or Super Mario is not only contents but also family or friends for some customers. These contents are very strong power for Nintendo. Invisible values is there in Nintendo. If Nintendo throw out their old tactics completely, they will be stronger company. It seemed that they have prejudice for their own game machines, such like Nintendo DS. I think that Nintendo has strong contents, and their contents must be lovely characters for some customers. 

Paradoxically thinking about UK & EU

2016/8/19 Paradoxically thinking about UK & EU It seems that many people think EU will be smaller and weaker by escaping of UK. Paradoxically I think EU will be united and stronger than now. EU will be united to the one as stronger than now. And if EU gets good reaction to the UK, Euro will be stronger than now. I can't explain this thought exactly, but I feel this is true. This is starting of real united EU. This escaping may be collapse of old great UK.

15 years cycle of economy: Does materials’ area end?

I read that there are 2 patterns of 15 years cycle on main economy, one is materials and another is industrials. And I think that materials such like golds’ high price will be end soon. I don’t know how highest prices at last time.

Still Prius? Or for more 20 years?

2016/8/19 Still Prius? Or for more 20 years? TOYOTA started to sell Hybrid car Prius 18 years ago. What is next generation car? Still hybrid car? Or for more 20 years? From Gasoline to Hybrid, next, from hybrid to electric? When it comes? I remembered that Carlos Ghosn, the CEO of Nissan, said "Hybrid car is filler to the elecric car". It seems that there is problem for it.  Maybe not only technical problems, but other's problem.

Health & Medical care business: The new field of economy

Prolonging life,,, How many money do people pay for it? Now, people in developed country, depends on each country’s medical care. Can we sell it for other rich people who lives in developing country? This means that social medical care is not only for each country’s people, but for foreigners. And this will be big business for saving medical care costs. If we can sell our medical care for foreigners, we can save fixed cost. And it will save huge debts by governments.   And not only medical care, but health care will be big business. For example, “Stop smoking”, “Stop being fat” and “Stop drinking”… These program of training will be good for health, clearly. And people who suffered to them, may want to have those programs by paying. Health & Medical care business can be expanded by short travel. This combination will give many kinds of benefits, not only travelers’ fee.
2016/8/16 Turkey and Afghanistan : Key countries in Eurasia land. From this map, Turkey is key country for both EU and Russia for root to Oil! And Afghanistan is key country for both India and China for root to Oil!

VW vs GM : Cheating or mislabeling about the fuel consumption?

2016/8/13 VW vs GM : Cheating or mislabeling the fuel consumption? By rational thought, there is same result in these 2 companies. From subjective view, VW is foreign country and GM is USA company. Only it is difference. And it is not fair. When USA had super power in the world, the judge that hearting foreign company, could be acceptable for the world. But in now, USA has very strong power, not super. And if the unfair judge to VW is done clearly, the power will be decreasing. Discrimination to the foreign company… If USA choice it, the world will see USA as so… # USA is showing their dirty side in the White-House election. Everybody who can use English, is watching the election, and they may feel dirty side.

The process for solving huge debts of government

2016/8/1 The process for solving huge debts of government As a premise, the huge debts of government can't repay by tax incomes. There is 3 steps for solving it. (1)Keeping on higher taxes and lower social security. (2)Diluting the values of own currency. (3)Directing the discontent of people to the foreign countries. In Japan, it seems that the discontents of young people become higher. #I think that government is not equal to country or people. Government is only player of economy, just biggest player.

Writings in near future

2016/7/31 Writings in near future Writing shorter for reading is preferred. (Just my opinion) In near future, writings will changes to be shorter for reading on the Web. Because we have a lot of writings to read, but less time. So there are 3 points what I take care for writings. 1.Corresponding to people's first sight: People judges at first sight. 2.Corresponding to people's secondary feelings: People feels if this article is to be read or not. 3.Show the answer to ordinary people's WHY: After reading, people thinks WHY and seeks evidences. #I sometimes give up to read newspapers on the Web. On the web, people can judge reading easier. ##Longer and more amount isn't best to the web.

Pokemon go

2016/7/31 Two kinds of people: Accepting change or denying change ("Pokemon go" changes my world. I am facing at changing world.) There are 2 kind of people. People who accepting change, and people who denying change. We are in each society, called civilization. It is said that 7 civilizations in the world. Are they fixed forever? Can we unite them? It takes long time, but we can unite 7 civilizations. What are needed to unite? To start it, I think 3 things are needed. 1.Common topics 2.Common languages 3.Assist by IT Pokemon go will common topics in now & future. #I get this monster by egg.

Rejection methods in Japan

2016/7/26 Rejection methods in Japan I try to see Pokemon go booming in another view, in fact subjective way. I found that there are some ways to reject what Japanese dislike. •Labeling as Pokenomics •Denying the users as idiot •Make rules just like laws •Criticize just like speaker is logical  These reactions are usually in ordinary Japan. #I love Pokemon go. Just fun!

Invisible premium: Living networks

2016/7/26 Invisible premium: Living networks Pokemon Go! Amazing! Phoenix!!! (Just opinion) Nintendo's stock price will recover soon. This booming doesn't die suddenly! In this economy, network is invisible premiums!!! And Nintendo has huge living networks, just now!!! This networks is living now!!! The important point is living and spreading now. Nintendo's potential networks will help their benefits. This networks will spread to various people, including who don't have smartphones. #I love Pokemon go!!!

The new role of the government which has huge debts

2016/7/23 The new role of the government which has huge debts (Just my hypothesis) I think the government which has huge debts can't work as reduction of disparity. Because the government works only getting balance of tax income and outcome. It is impossible to fix disparity or solve new problems for the government. They used to think for survival to future. So if that country have to stimulate own economy, that country have to depend on private companies or individuals, not government. And the new role of the government which has huge debts is reducing the expectations for government. #Hopeless or hopeful, it's up to us!

All against Helicopter Money!!!

2016/7/23 All against Helicopter Money!!! I deny Helicopter Money all!!! If Japan bank do by this way, they appeal to the market that they are foolish and have no way to stimulate economy. And they don't use their brains. So they use foreigners' thoughts and can leave a way out! They want to escape problem in front of them! How about buying Drone by that money? 

Success & failure:All of us can't fly very high.

2016/7/23 Success & failure:All of us can't fly very high. We are affected by reputation. And reputation is on relative value. Relative value is made by good & bad. So if we continue to give reputation, there are success & failure. All of us can't fly to success. The other problem is limit of materials. The earth has limit of materials. If we use more and more materials, the limit comes faster and faster. In my deepest mind, there is one opinion that human is one kind of species on earth, not top on earth. Because who call the human as top? The answer is the human call the human as top. It's reputation by self. #I think that the success is on short term benefits. I mean people run & run shorter range. Short range winning is important to survive, and we can't live if we lose short range fight. But is it right for each individual?

Generations gaps

2016/7/21 Generations gaps Fans' economy is growing up in advanced people, especially young people. People get information by methods what they like. So if old method can't affect young generation, what does old people feel? It's only fear for what they can't understand. This is called Generation gap. There are some methods of getting news. •TV&Movie •Paper&Books •Radio •Internets And there is difference between each methods. I thought that I can get information with good balance. But now Internets only. This is dangerous for me. And generation gap is made by information tools. #Generation gap is growing bigger. ##I think that it is important that impossible of understanding each other generations.

The necessary rules for trickle down in economy

2016/7/19 The necessary rules for trickle down in economy Trickle down effect There are 3 rules to happen the trickle down in economy. 1.Perfect closed economy 2.Ponzi scheme 3.Directionality of sources of income as pyramid shape Trickle down in economy assume these rules. (Reasons) 1.If money flow to other economy, trickle down can't be kept long term. 2.If the economy is not on Ponzi scheme, people who doesn't believe Ponzi scheme, will break the critical chain easily. 3.If direction of money is not one-way, trickle down's flow will be circulated in some people. #I hope that you'll read this article & know my opinion. ##I wonder that some people intend to break free economy.

ARM Holdings with Fanuc

2016/7/19 ARM Holdings with Fanuc Using ARM tips for industrial robot with Fanuc will be good combination for Japan economy. Fanuc Releasing the limit of CPU power in industrial robots will be necessary for Japanese next economy. What set to the limit? Lost developing power of CPU. What this combination for? Parallel & complex action by robots. Using high performance CPU, these actions will be possible. #Japan lost CPU. Japan is willing to win again. I want to support it.

ARM holdings

2016/7/19 ARM holdings There are 3 problems to make the decision to sell. •Employment •Factory & Wealth •UK's feeling: ARM is last technology company in UK And UK prime minister doesn't deny this deal. #This is good deal. UK can't make use of ARM holdings enough. Japan can!

ARM Holdings

2016/7/19 ARM Holdings Soft bank buy ARM Holdings Soft bank is Japanese IT company established by Mr.Son. The name includes bank, but  that company is not financial bank. In Japan, it is a strict regulations to establish bank. Mr.Son has great view for future & investment. So there are some basis for this deal. #I think that UK escaping from EU has relationship to this deal. Because the price becomes lower than the value. ##Intel only is bad not only for us, but for Intel. Because of Antitrust law.

PFI + Fintech = Higher performance infrastructures

2016/7/18 PFI + Fintech = Higher performance infrastructures There are 3 steps for making higher performance infrastructures with less government spending. Standard formula is titled. The method of using PFI with Fintech is below. 3 Steps 1 Correct investment money from people who lives in the place which needs infrastructures. If enough money can't be corrected, calling help to other place investors. This step means match of interest. 2 Correcting money by Fintech. Because ordinary method needs a lot of margin. So by using Fintech, for example City bank can introduce PFI deal without bank shop by Youtube. 3 Construct higher performance infrastructures by workers who doesn't have job in long terms. #I think that some countries can start by this very easy. ##For higher performance infrastructures, PFI& Fintech is very useful. ###My English is poor..,

Susi Pudjiastui: Indonesia female politician

2016/7/18 Susi Pudjiastui: Indonesia female politician She knows Chinese tactics! China aims to get the safety of fisherman even if legal or illegal! And if other government injury Chinese fishermen, Chinese government get reason to send Army! So she breaks only fishermen's ship, not fishermen! Susi Pudjiastui #I like strong female politicians! Such like Susi! ##I think Chinese government wants Indonesia's oil. Just like old Japan Army

Next Tokyo governor selection

2016/7/18 Next Tokyo governor selection Yuriko Koike vs Shuntaro Torigoe vs Hiroya Masuda My opinion Possibility of winning Koike:Torigoe:Masuda=6:3:1 3 factors •Female governor is good impression to the Tokyo Olympics. And she has political experience. •Torigoe is too clean. He can't stand Tokyo governor. •Masuda is old conservative. And conservative won too much in latest selection. There are many innovative Tokyo citizens. This is unfavorable for him. #This is only my opinion as Tokyo citizen.

Pictures: Yellow flower turned to red

Pictures:Green besides ghost building

Pictures: 4 youngs and 1 old

Pictures: Fall into the sky

Pictures: Cigarettes army cleansing the green!

Evaluating methods: By straight ruler or protractor?

2016/7/17 Depending on Critical chain: Worst state in economy Critical chain in economy is the smallest lack of margin. This economy seemed to have fastest growth. In fact, high revolution and performance economy. The combination of this state & CEOs who is administrator type, makes economy worst state. Because these CEOs force to run company or economy by higher and more amount. These CEOs only can more & more speed and amount. They can't see the phenomenon from another views. I think that there are two ways to evaluate people. One is straight ruler, and the another is protractor. CEOs, Administrator type, has only straight ruler in their heads. So they depends on speed & amount. On the other hand, a few CEOs have protractor, is strong to change, chance & crisis.

Review about 3 arrows of Abenomics: Broken arrows or not?

2016/7/17 Review about 3 arrows of Abenomics: Broken arrows or not? Abenomics in Japan Abenomics in Japan has 3 arrows, •Monetary easing •Increasing public spending •Growth strategy To increase GDP 3%, the arrows are shoot. (My opinion) The arrows are right, except for ignoring real economy. The arrows are standard arrows on ideal economy, not on real economy. In real economy, global economy is growing up and there are a lot of competition. In fact, people who shoot the arrows, has old economy head. I can imagine their inner head. In their head, Japan economy stands on combination of national isolation economy and getting money by selling cars to foreign countries. (Answer) Power people in Japan has old head to economy. Renewing their head is difficult. And the arrows' effects are going to shoot young people in Japan. For example, too much monetary easing makes decreasing value of money ¥. Increasing public spending make...

Why foreign males are kind to Japanese females

2016/7/16 Why foreign males are kind to Japanese females There are many factors, and one fact, for temporary benefits, not for love. Japanese females think that they can escape to EU or USA, easily, if they have foreign lover. So they shake ass to foreigners... They have too big dream, just like princesses in birdcage. Their head is just like birds. And foreign males in developed countries know it! They obviously knows it. And they are kind to Japanese females for their temporary benefits... #I don't want to write bad things on this blog. ##I know Japanese young people want to escape from Japan. ###This article is written in bad feeling.

Global warming vs Human intelligence

2016/7/16 Higher performance infrastructures in Tokyo subway Tokyo, it rains a lot from May to July. So subway have to be ready for flood. When flood happens, there are 3 protection methods. •Gates to subway: The wall changes the height depending on rain water height. •Air vent: Higher performance from 2meters to 6meters of breakdown performance •Gate to tunnel: The new wall of anti flood #In Japan subway, there must be a lot of secrets! I am very interested in them. ##Global warming makes the height of sea higher. So preventing water flood will be big business. ###I like summer, except for cockroaches!!!

A few muslims run terrorism

2016/7/15 A few muslims run terrorism There are 3 major religions. •Islam •Christianity •Buddhist Focusing on fighting that islam vs christianity, we are not going to peaceful world. I know almost all muslims don't want to fight with others, they have peaceful mind. And almost all christianity don't want to fight with others, they have peaceful mind. Perhaps we have to be ready for WW3. (From my view) Relationship of them are alike to oil and water. They won't be mixed without surfactant. Or they can't live together. Intentionally mixing makes injuring each other, and then Anaphylactic shock comes. Before knowing each other, both of them live in same place has high risk. #I feel peace is far from now. ##Very a few muslims are violence. ###We all crew in the earth is one fact, on the other hand, we are fighting to be as No.1.

OQ : Objective intelligence quotient

2016/7/15 Blank space between reputation and self recognition There is space between reputation and self-recognition for everyone. Reputation is subjective, and self-recognition is objective. People fill in the blank space with something else. Buying branded-goods,gambling, religion, spiritual and so on. How much blank space are there? People feels reputation, but people thinks self-recognition. I call that feeling reputation ability is EQ, and thinking self-recognition ability is OQ, temporary. (OQ is not IQ, IQ includes OQ.) EQ decides reputation and OQ decides self-recognition. OQ is objective intelligence quotient. If EQ is high and OQ is low, there is very much space. (I think IQ is as same high as EQ.) How to make higher OQ is another problem. Or how to make lower OQ is big business. Objective intelligence quotient is targeted by business or religion easily. To get OQ higher, there is need to realize self-ability, maybe it is called as IQ. (Introduce about OQ)...

Krewella: We all krew by Siri

The last autumn, I found Krewella's songs has relationship with Siri... Krewella, this word can be replace to "We all krew". This means we are all crew in the earth... And Krewella sing in "Somewhere to run" as below links... "Say hello to the finger in your face If you're telling me how I should behave Cause you keep on walking while the leash around your neck has got you choking" Doing this to Siri, something will happen...

The YASUKUNI: Mislabeled

YASUKUNI shrine was established at 1869. This means that YASUKUNI was NOT established for WW2. YASUKUNI was established for people who wanted to be Japan as modernized country. Many foreigners and Japanese are doubted at this point... #I want foreigners to know real Japan...