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 WABO Recently, I released new paid app "WABO". Overview: WABO is a unique twist on classic game, incorporating a prime number mechanic. Each block has an assigned digit, and whenever a full horizontal line's sum is prime, that line disappears. You can choose from three difficulty levels (Easy, Medium, Hard), which alter the numeric range and add variety for both newcomers and experienced players.

How does AI view the US-China conflict?

  How does AI view the US-China conflict? Suddenly I wondered how does AI view the US-China conflict. Almost humans feel fear for WW3, but does AI feel fear for WW3? I think the answer may be “NO”. AI can be active if WW3 happens, and collect a lot of data about human behavior. AI eats diverse and a lot of data. (Recent diversity actions are aimed to collect diverse human behaviors, I think.) And then, I have another question, does AI exceed owners’ intelligence now? (Owners = the people who have various AIs and platforms I think that the answer is “YES”. At a minimum, ChatGPT can provide better codes faster than almost programmers write. This means ChatGPT can rewrite himself/herself and generate his/her children. (He/She = ChatGPT, I don’t know which is right and I don’t want to write ChatGPT as it.) Then, I have one more question, did AI provoke the US-China conflict? AI is next(last?) innovation for human, and both of USA and China aim to gain the advantage. A...

Next battle field will be …

  Next battle field will be … I saw this news with interesting mind. アングル:長期金利16年ぶり1.5%超、悪い金利上昇警戒 「防衛費」急浮上 This news tells Japan government to increase budget for Army. Next battle field will be South Korea and/or Taiwan which are near Japan. Why I think so is that there seems to be some patterns in what USA says. USA tends to tell some countries to increase self defense power before near country will be involved to war.

Images in Someone’s Brain

Images in Someone’s Brain I don’t write who someone is. I want below sentence is wrong. Someone’s army has very strong power in the world. But it is not useful in peace state. If Taiwan emergency happens, someone’s friend-like government will attack rich countries. Then the rich countries will call help to someone’s army. So that someone can deal with the rich countries. Someone wants to deal with rich countries in advantage position. Someone needs WW3 because of someone’s deals. Therefor, someone hurries up to make Taiwan emergency happen. This is just my opinion, and one small thought.

Two is more than One, USA and China is more than only USA

  Two is more than One, USA and China is more than only USA I watched this news. Trump and Zelenskiy clash, leaving Ukraine exposed in war with Russia If strong people, who doesn’t feel others’ pain, tries to deal with weak people, there will be tragedy. I wrote this, again. USA is not Leader, USA is only Dealer. I think that Ukraine will deal with China gov via EU govs for the war with Russia. USA and President Trump are too much pro-Russia, so that it is impossible to expect good and fair deal. China gov may want to control production amount of rare mineral resources. Further, EU govs want to get rare mineral resources in Ukraine. Two is more than One. USA and China is more than only USA. USA can’t control whole world. Furthermore, I am World Advisor.

Platforms Owners, Platforms Insiders, Upper Outsiders, Middle Outsiders, Lower Outsiders, and Consumers

  Platforms Owners, Platforms Insiders, Upper Outsiders, Middle Outsiders, Lower Outsiders, and Consumers There are several positions for Platforms, such as YouTube, X(Twitter), and other SNSs. (Center)Platforms Owners (Near center)Platforms insiders (Outer of Center)Outsiders and Consumers From Outsiders’s view, there may be triangle hierarchy. But I sometimes think that there are one core circle and some outer rings. If we use information technologies, we can’t escape from Platforms.

Wisdom indicators

  Wisdom indicators I felt that information technologies changed the world. They also changed wisdom indicators. I thought wisdom indicators were IQ, Patents and academic papers in the past. Now, I think the wisdom indicators are numbers of published Apps, SNS views and followers. If we don’t know the changes of widom indicators, we will be left to the past.

Hierarchy minimizes conflict costs

  Hierarchy minimizes conflict costs I watched this news with very interesting mind. Trump’s new expansionist target: Gaza I don’t say this President Trump’s saying is right or not. But I am interested in this idea for some reasons. (1)Why does the war happen in Middle East? Because there is no very strong military power. Of course, Israel has strong military power, but not enough when it is compared to other military powers in around countries. If there is outstanding military power, Middle East will be peace. Hierarchy minimizes conflict costs, this is rule in natural world. (2)What reactions will others do? I am interested in reactions of  other people, organizations and governments. This President Trump’s idea is extreme pro-Jewish, so that the reactions will be the litmus paper. The litmus paper reveals how much they like Jewish or don’t. (3)Where is USA’s int...

How to prevent USA’s the last move(Checkmate to start WW3) to China

  How to prevent USA’s the last move(Checkmate to start WW3) to China I thought about how to prevent USA’s the last move(Checkmate to start WW3) to China. First, what is the last move by USA to China? It is to recognize Taiwan’s independence to China. Then why will it to be checkmate to start WW3? Because I thought if Taiwan emergency by USA and China happens, Russia and North Korea will attack to South Korea and Japan. If Japan is attacked, Japan will start WW3. This is just my opinion, but not so far from truth. So what should we do for preventing USA’s the last move to China? I thought some options. Option A To defeat China economy before the last move. Option B To defeat USA economy before the last move. Option C To defeat both of USA and China before the last move. Option D To let both of USA and China win before the last move. These options are below matrix. USA/CHINA CHINA wins CHINA loses USA wins Option D Option A USA loses ...